Home / Evening by Evening: Readings for the Month of September (Readings at Eventide): Readings at Eventide (Unabridged)
Evening readings for September by Charles H Spurgeon. From the book, Evening by Evening published by Charles H. Spurgeon in 1868. Initially Spurgeon published Morning by Morning. Because this publication became so popular, he subsequently published "Evening Readings". This audiobook contains the evening readings for September.
From the preface by Charles H Spurgeon: "Having had the seal of our Master's blessings set upon our former volume entitled, 'Morning by Morning,' we have felt encouraged to give our best attention to the present series of brief meditations, and we send them forth with importunate prayer for a blessing to rest upon every reader. Already more than 20,000 readers are among our morning fellow worshippers. Oh, that all may receive grace from the Lord by means of the portion read; and when a similar numbers shall be gathered to read the evening selection, make the Fathers smile be their benison. We have striven to keep out the common track, and hence we have used unusual text, and have brought forward neglected subjects. The vice of many religious works is their dullness. From this we have striven to be free: all her friends must judge how far successfully. Out of our own experience we have drawn much of our matter, and we have always felt assured that a truth which has been sanctified to our own good will not be without unction for others. If we may lead one heart upward which otherwise had drooped, or so in a single mind a holy purpose which else had never been conceived, we shall be grateful. The Lord send this such results in thousands of instances, and his shall be all the praise. The longer we live the more deeply are we conscious that the Holy Spirit alone can make truth profitable to the heart; and therefore in earnest prayer we commit this volume and its companion to his care."