Home / Guy de Maupassant: Selected Stories (Unabridged)
Guy de Maupassant is considered one of the fathers of the modern short story as well as one of the form's finest writers. His stories are characterized by their economy of style and efficient, seemingly effortless dénouements. This collectin features 21 of his best stories. Titles are:"Ephiphany," "Boule de Suif,""Countess Satan," "Consideration," "Diary of a Madman,""A Piece of String," "Growing Old," "The Sequal to a Divorce,""How He Got the Legion of Honor,""The False Jewels,""Love's Awakening," "The Horla," "In the Moonlight," "Madamemoiselle Fifi,""Useless Beauty," "The Wolf," "An Unfortunate Likeness,""Waiter: a Bock,""The Hole," "The Necklace," "The Signal".