Home / Fresh Air, Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins, March 7, 2008 (Nonfiction)
Hear British scientist Richard Dawkins and geneticist Francis Collins on this edition of Fresh Air.
Richard Dawkins is a professor of the public understanding of science at Oxford University. The New York Times Book Review has hailed him as a writer who "understands the issues so clearly that he forces his reader to understand them too". In his latest book, he writes about what he sees as the irrationality of a belief in God, examines conceptions of God in all forms, and sets down his arguments for atheism. His book (and audiobook) The God Delusion is now out in paperback. (Original Airdate: 3/28/2007)
Then, Francis Collins, the director of the National Human Genome Research Project. Previously, as head of the National Genome Project, he helped decode the human genome. Collins is also an evangelical Christian and author of the book The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, which is now out in paperback. (Original Airdate: 3/29/2007) [Broadcast Date: March 7, 2008]