Home / Norse Mythology Legends
Discover the legendary characters of Norse mythology and their epic stories.The Norse god Odin went to great lengths in his quest for knowledge...and as long as there is breath in your lungs, your quest for knowledge should never stop....Odin learned alone, but he would often turn to the council of gods and his ravens for guidance. Imagine yourself as Odin, and us as your ravens who have collected the stories, myths, and legendary characters of Norse mythology for you.So take your place upon your own Hlidskjalf, and let’s get ready to meet the characters of Norse mythology!Inside this audiobook, you will discover: The characters of norse mythology: myths, quests, stories and more. Explore the history of Norse mythology and the viking age: what happened, what drove them to pillage and plunder, and was it all just myths? Enjoy epic stories like The Aesir-Vanir War, Loki’s Pranks, Thor and The Giant’s Bride, Valhalla, The Twilight of The Gods, and many more. A Brief But Detailed Re-Telling of The Creation Myth. We can’t mention creation without destruction: Ragnarök and the end of the world! Discover the nine realms of Norse cosmology held in the branches and roots of the world tree of yggdrasil. Uncovering the history and beliefs of Ásatrú (the ancient religion of the vikings). How Norse mythology has thrived in pop culture: uncovering the shows, movies, video games, and more that have kept it alive. And much, much more!Begin your quest into Norse mythology and its legendary characters with this audiobook!