Home / Brighteyes: United States of Monsters, Book 12 (Unabridged)
Ashley Morgan has been many things: a trainee spy for the House, a psychic superhero, a private detective, and a bounty hunter. However, she's lost all of those jobs because it turns out none of them are very easy in a city run by vampires. Now having her wounded sister recovering in her apartment, Ashley has to figure out who her latest enemies are. What she finds out are they may be closer to home than she ever imagined and targeting her old classmates at spy school for sale at an undead slave market.
Armed with a magical sword containing an angel, her ex-boyfriend's magic, her devious brother, and the dubious help of New Detroit's ex-voivode, Ashley has to set out to smash a conspiracy before it turns everyone she used to know into playthings for the damned. But can she trust even those closest to her?
Brighteyes is set in the same world as the Red Room series, The Bright Falls Mysteries, and Straight Outta Fangton.