Home / The Coffin - A Short Story Collection: Tales revolving around coffins

The Coffin - A Short Story Collection: Tales revolving around coffins By Anton Chekov, H. P. Lovecraft, Alexander Pushkin, Willa Cather, Richard Middleton, Jessie Douglas Kerruish & H. D. Everett

The Coffin - A Short Story Collection: Tales revolving around coffins

By Anton Chekov, H. P. Lovecraft, Alexander Pushkin, Willa Cather, Richard Middleton, Jessie Douglas Kerruish & H. D. Everett

  • Release Date: 2025-01-01
  • Genre: Mysteries & Thrillers
  • © 2024 Deadtree Publishing
  • $19.99


At the end of our days our bodies will usually either be cremated and placed in urns or laid out in long rectangular boxes of various materials and prices before being borne to eternal rest. In the case of the latter, our classic authors have made the coffin a feature of many stories. Here, in this volume, talents such as Anton Chekhov, Willa Cather, Alexander Pushkin and others write beautifully on the lives affected by this most macabre of props.
1 - The Coffin - A Short Story Collection - An Introduction

2 - A Night of Horrors by Anton Chekov

3 - The Tomb by H P Lovecraft

4 - The Coffin Maker by Alexander Pushkin

5 - The Sculptor's Funeral by Willa Cather

6 - The Coffin Merchant by Richard Middleton

7 - The Wonderful Tune by Jessie Douglas Kerruish

8 - Over the Wires by H D Everett


Title Writer
The Coffin - A Short Story Collection: T Anton Chekov, H. P. Lovecraft, Alexander Pushkin, Willa Cather, Richard Middleton, Jessie Douglas Kerruish & H. D. Everett