Home / The Haunting of Kessinger Mansion
Kessinger Mansion holds a horrifying and grisly past, a past that an excited Nicole is not aware of as she moves into her new college dorm room. But her excitement quickly turns to apprehension and fear, as strange events begin to occur daily. Flowers mysteriously appear outside her door, and Nicole wonders who her mysterious admirer could be, until one night, she sees a man staring at her from outside her dorm window. Terrified, she closes her blinds and climbs into bed, only to have chilling nightmares. When she awakens from her sleep, the man from outside is beside her bed, and a terrified Nicole tries to break free of his grasp, but then he suddenly disappears. As the visions, noises and feelings of being watched increase, Nicole fears she is having a breakdown. One terrifying night, an apparition so horrifying appears and begs for her help, an apparition who looks just like Nicole. Fearing for her life and trying to save her sanity, she does her own investigation of the evil that resides in her dorm room. When she uncovers what really occurred years ago at Kessinger Mansion, she knows she must flee, or end up like the ghost who looks just like her.