Home / Enough Rope - Poems - Unabridged
The debut offering from one of the 20th century's most celebrated and renowned humorists, "Enough Rope" was an instant best-seller when it was released in 1926 and made Dorothy Parker a household name.
The poems in this collection range from the satiric to the sentimental; wickedly clever and yet elegantly and expertly constructed. Parker's mastery of the turn of phrase or the cynical or sardonic final line instantly grabbed the reading public's attention and propelled Parker into the national spotlight, which she would not relinquish for the rest of her life.
Dorothy Parker - social commentator, political reformer and legendary wit - has enjoyed a special place in American culture for almost a century and "Enough Rope" is an early example of Parker's unique and wry commentary on modern life. It is presented here in its original and unabridged format.