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Motherducking Witches By Michelle Fox

Motherducking Witches

By Michelle Fox

  • Release Date: 2024-05-14
  • Genre: Romance
  • $16.99


Hey, all you cool cats and vampires, I'm witch and bounty hunter Sylvie Orion. Or at least, I was. Who and what I am seems to be up for debate these days. I mean, other than the fact I'm now the world's most wanted witch.

(The reward is buy-your-own-island money. I even want to turn myself in)

Currently, I'm missing my soul and all the magic that comes with it. For extra athame-in-
the-eye fun, I'm being held prisoner by Shifter Nation. Whoa Goddess, do they have plans for me. Plans no sane witch would ever agree to be a part of.

I never wanted to start a war.

I just wanted to live a quiet, witchy life.

But my soul has its own destiny, and if I don't get it back, I'll have no say in what happens next.

Hold on to your wands, beyotches, because this witch never says die.


Title Writer
Motherducking Witches Michelle Fox