Home / Dead America, The Texas Panhandle, Pt. 1: Dead America - The Second Month, Book 25 (Unabridged)

Dead America, The Texas Panhandle, Pt. 1: Dead America - The Second Month, Book 25 (Unabridged) By Derek Slaton

Dead America, The Texas Panhandle, Pt. 1: Dead America - The Second Month, Book 25 (Unabridged)

By Derek Slaton

  • Release Date: 2024-05-29
  • Genre: Fiction
  • © 2024 Derek Slaton
  • $5.99


After fleeing from zombie-infested Amarillo, Jackie and her group of survivors arrives in the tiny town of Dalhart, TX. Despite the appearance of safety, an exterior threat forces them into action.

Dead America - The Second Month series follows survivors from coast to coast as they deal with the threats posed by both the living and the undead.


Title Writer
Dead America, The Texas Panhandle, Pt. 1 Derek Slaton