Home / Complete Italian Workbook for Adult Beginners: Speak Italian in 30 Days! (Learn Italian for Adult Beginners) (Unabridged)
Italian is a beautiful language, and there’s an increasing amount of people who want to learn “la lingua italiana”. However, they all soon encounter a hard nut to crack: grammar.
Is Italian grammar really as hard as they say it is?
Does it necessarily take years of hard work to master it?
Italian grammar is more complex than English grammar, and that’s a fact. But that’s simply because it has more topics! There are grammar constructs that are not as developed in the English language as they are in Italian, so Italian grammar is just “broader”.
Also, there are not many people whose favorite subject is grammar. So, let’s face the truth: grammar can be boring, complex, and daunting. And this is true with any language, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be like this!
If you break down grammar into a thorough selection of topics and challenge yourself with a single topic at a time, you can learn this complex subject quickly and easily, while keeping yourself motivated by reaching all the single goals that you set.
And, no, it doesn’t take years to learn it. As a matter of fact, this book can help most people learn Italian in less than 30 days! And this is not just advertising: we specifically targeted all the topics that are required to reach an A1-A2 level in Italian grammar, and organized them in 20 focused lessons.
In particular, we’re going to learn about:
The best ways to approach Italian grammar
The Italian alphabet and pronunciation
Numbers, telling time and reading dates
Nouns, articles, prepositions and adjectives
Pronouns, adverbs and conjunctions
Type of verbs and the various conjugations
The present tense (indicativo presente)
The 2 basic past tenses (indicativo passato and imperfetto)
The basic future tense (indicativo futuro)
Infinito and participio moods
Useful advice to learn Italian from multiple sources
This book is specifically meant for adults, which means that each lesson is designed to work with the weak and the strong points of an adult student, who can easily link pieces of information together (for example), but who might need some help dusting off the old grammar memories from school.
The numerous exercises in this workbook are also designed accordingly to these same principles, and they’re meant to challenge your mind in order to bring the best results.
Plus, you'll receive additional Italian resources as a free bonus so you can grasp the Italian language with fun and ease.
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