Home / Bent: 12 Vital Steps to Win Back a Wayward Team (Unabridged)

Bent: 12 Vital Steps to Win Back a Wayward Team (Unabridged) By James Walker

Bent: 12 Vital Steps to Win Back a Wayward Team (Unabridged)

By James Walker

  • Release Date: 2024-05-15
  • Genre: Business & Personal Finance
  • © 2024 Cade and Graham Publishing
  • $17.99


What if your team quits on you but doesn't leave?

If you’ve ever asked, "Why doesn’t my team care about their work and how can I get them to?", you’ve experienced the frustration plaguing most business leaders today. The bad news is that most knee-jerk solutions won’t make the difference we want to see in our team. Some make things worse. The good news is that there are specific steps you can take to win back your wayward team and build a culture full of aligned and fulfilled employees. Implementing each of the twelve vital steps by using the corresponding business tool will allow you to build the company that your team has always wanted. If you are worn out from trying to lead people who don’t want to follow, there is a better way.


Title Writer
Bent: 12 Vital Steps to Win Back a Waywa James Walker