Home / Buried by Breakfast (The Hemlock Falls Mysteries)
It's a bite of heaven—or hell—in this Hemlock Falls mystery.
Hemlock Falls is a pretty little town in upstate New York. Sarah "Quill"Quilliam, with her talent for business, runs the Inn at Hemlock Falls, while her sister, Meg, keeps the guests happy with her culinary abilities. But when it comes to murder, the Quilliam sisters have to rely on other skills—spotting clues, solving crimes, and catching culprits.
This year, March comes in like a lion, and it's Meg and Quill who take the brunt of the bite. First, a notorious state supreme court justice has decided to sequester the jury of a high-profile case at their cozy inn. Then, a raucous group of protestors called Friends of the Dead takes over the town to picket the planned relocation of the Civil War cemetery. But havoc turns to horror when the leader of the Friends becomes one of the dead. Now the Quilliam sisters must quell fears and catch a killer before another local VIP is greeted with an untimely RIP.