Home / Vorpal Blade (Looking Glass)
LTC William Weaver, PhD. ("Call me Bill …") and SEAL Chief Miller, the heroes who saved Earth from alien menace in Into the Looking Glass, are back and this time Bill's got hisself a ship! The former SSBN Nebraska has been converted, using mostly shade-tree mechanics and baling wire, into a warp ship, Naval
Construction Contract 4144, ready to go where no Adar, SEAL or academic has gone before!
Yay for the heroes! But who cares for the poor Security guys, Force Recon Marines who are kept in the dark and fed manure all day. That is, until they land on an alien planet, get partially wiped out and then load back up again. It's a dog's life in the Space Marines but somebody's got to save the academics and the universe—at the cost of horrendous casualties.
Ranging in topics from the best gun to kill armored space monsters to particle physics to cosmology, Vorpal Blade is a return to the "good old days" of SF when the science problems were fun, the women were smart, tough and beautiful, and the beasts were ugly. The monkeys are out in the space lanes and ready to rock.
As soon as they find the duct tape.