Home / Evolution(Dark Matter)
Survivor shay continues her long search for Callie, the young girl who has been
missing since before the deadly epidemic called the Aberdeen flu swept the land. Shay
follows her biological father, Dr. Alex Cross, into the Multiverse compound, a scientific cult
in a remote area of Scotland. There she investigates the origins of the epidemic and a
possible cure. And she discovers that her father has plans that may compromise the lives
of everyone in the community—including her own.
Having parted ways with Shay in a moment of betrayal, Kai is still looking for his sister,
Callie. He’s also helping his friend Freja evade capture—but he doesn’t realize Freja
failed to deliver Shay’s last heart-rending message. It is only when Kai resolves to make his
stepfather, Dr. Cross, answer for unleashing the epidemic and murdering millions that Kai
begins to make his way back to Shay. And to a final showdown with his stepfather where
only one of them will survive.