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An Apple Books Classic edition.
What would happen if men weren’t necessary for humanity’s survival? How would society adjust? Written in 1915 by well-known social reformer and author Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland addresses these questions and more. First published in Gilman’s magazine, The Forerunner, the novel not-so-subtly puts forth the notion that a matriarchal world would be a huge improvement over our current situation.
When students Van, Terry, and Jeff set out to find the mythical land of women they’ve heard stories about, they are shocked to find out that it really does exist and that it’s a well-run, advanced utopia. In fact, the only things missing in Herland are violence, poverty, competition…and men. But can this feminist utopia survive its first violent crime in over two thousand years? And will the arrival of men forever change Herland, or will Herland forever change men? Full of suspense, romance, adventure, and betrayal, Gilman’s novel prompts us to question our beliefs and assumptions about society—and imagine how it could be different.