Home / The Health Habit: 27 Small Daily Changes for Physical Energy, Mental Peace, and Peak Performance (Mental and Emotional Abundance, Book 9) (Unabridged)

The Health Habit: 27 Small Daily Changes for Physical Energy, Mental Peace, and Peak Performance (Mental and Emotional Abundance, Book 9) (Unabridged) By Nick Trenton

The Health Habit: 27 Small Daily Changes for Physical Energy, Mental Peace, and Peak Performance (Mental and Emotional Abundance, Book 9) (Unabridged)

By Nick Trenton

  • Release Date: 2025-03-05
  • Genre: Business & Personal Finance
  • © 2025 Nick Trenton
  • $12.99


How to build a healthy lifestyle from scratch. Tweaks for waking up, sleeping, and everything in-between.

Staying healthy and focusing on your well-being these days can feel like a full-time job. But not everything is important - this book will give you the streamlined approach and rules that you need to feel your best yet.

A detailed blueprint of exactly what to change for the biggest impact, The Health Habit is a researched framework of 27 of the most important habits a human can ever have. It starts from the morning, to what you eat, how you think, how you plan, how you sleep, and everything else. Learn how to make it painless and sustainable, and it will follow you for the rest of your life.

Change your habits, change your life. Learn how to without sacrificing everything you enjoy. 

Create the change you want in your life; don’t wait anymore.    
The importance of engaging physically in the mornings     How to make the toughest habits easier than ever     How to implement willpower both at home and at work     What kind of fitness and well-being manifesto you should write for yourself     The best way to wind down for the night     Rewarding yourself, celebrating, and keeping motivated     How to completely re-write your personal narrative for empowerment
Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in economics, followed by an MA in behavioral psychology.


Title Writer
The Health Habit: 27 Small Daily Changes Nick Trenton