Home / Angles of Attack: Galaxy's Edge: Dark Operator, Book 5 (Unabridged)
The galaxy follows a logical structure.
Legion Dark Operator Kel Turner believed that.
To know the order of battle and how an enemy unit was organized was to know its purpose and how to destroy it. That logic existed down to the smallest scale, down to what made up life itself. To know a molecule’s structure was to know its function - they were one and the same. It was no different for Kel. He was Dark Ops and Dark Ops was him. Down to his last cell and very soul.
But the covert action arm of the Legion is changing. And so is he. And if Dark Ops is no longer the same, how could Kel be Kel?
From fighting a gray war against a cunning adversary bent on genocide, to slogging through a jungle hell full of rabid dog-men, Kel won't stop until the mission is complete. Kel was the mission. But if the day comes when there would no longer be a Dark Ops for Kel, what would his mission be then?
Who would he become?