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Hairlarious Cat Tails (Unabridged) By Sharon Kleve

Hairlarious Cat Tails (Unabridged)

By Sharon Kleve

  • Release Date: 2024-09-03
  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • © 2024 Sharon Kleve
  • $3.99


Hairlarious Cat Tails is a vibrant book filled with fun. It provides a much-desired glimpse into the minds of our most mysterious of loved ones.

What makes cats climb into tiny spaces? Why do they sleep that much? And, most of all, how can we give them a good life? They may seem low-maintenance but thoughtfulness about where you put their water, how warm or cool they like to be, what name to choose and how to groom them properly will make a life-changing difference.

They even have a calming effect on their owners, from the soothing action of petting to purring being an aid in falling asleep. Cats can even play a part in lowering your blood pressure and risk of a heart attack. One 10-year study has even shown that cat owners were 30% less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke than non-cat owners. 

Another great reason to have a sweet cat in your life.


Title Writer
Hairlarious Cat Tails (Unabridged) Sharon Kleve