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Think on Purpose: Using Your Mind to Break Free from Anxiety and Depression (Unabridged) By Dan Green

Think on Purpose: Using Your Mind to Break Free from Anxiety and Depression (Unabridged)

By Dan Green

  • Release Date: 2024-08-21
  • Genre: Business & Personal Finance
  • © 2024 Dan Green, PhD
  • $17.99


More people are struggling with anxiety and depression than ever before. In 2017, US deaths from alcohol, drugs, and suicide hit the highest level since record-keeping began. A newly released study from the National Safety Council found that Americans are now more likely to die from an opioid overdose than a car accident. For the first time in history, humans are self-medicating with drugs and alcohol as an attempt to battle our inner demons, and it is killing us faster than anything else. 

We already possess the tools and strategies to eliminate anxiety and depression without the need for drugs or alcohol. The human mind has the ultimate power to battle these demons; you simply need to know how to unlock it. To battle anxiety and depression, you must think on purpose. 

This book identifies five domains which block our ability to think on purpose: inner passivity, inner aggression, locus of control, cognitive distortion, and emotional distortion. You will learn how each of these affects your ability to think on purpose, and you will be able to take an assessment that identifies the levels of these five domains within you. 

Your journey toward mental and emotional well-being starts now!


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Think on Purpose: Using Your Mind to Bre Dan Green