Home / God's Ice-Cream: Updated Edition (Unabridged)
On any given day the streets are busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Too many cars causing angry frustrated road-rage. People packed like sardines at the pedestrian crossing focused on where they need to go. Overpopulated to the point you could smell the sweat on the sardine next to you, and if you are lucky maybe you'd get a whiff of perfume. Beggars and homeless searching through trash cans for a desperate meal. This is a normal day in the pulsating energy of city life. Until...Everyone went home. Even the homeless went home. The streets became eerie and the silence screamed. Not a single car. Not a single person. Just a lone bird flapping off in freedom. Overnight the entire world became a ghost town. Who or what has enough power to send the entire world home?