Home / Inclusive Yard Games: With Rule Changes for Visually Impaired Players (Unabridged)
Fun, inclusive, schoolyard games as a resource for teachers and parents.
In this short book, we’ve set out the rules of around 30 popular schoolyard games and suggested adaptions to make them inclusive for visually impaired children. They have been tried and tested by Maya and her friends.
Our hope is that teachers, parents and kids will find this helpful and our suggestions, based on Maya’s experience, will lead to a lot of fun and laughter in other schoolyards.
As a novelist, Conor is a White Ravens and IBBY Honours List winner. He was shortlisted for the American Library Association's Best Books for Young Adults awards and has won the Reading Association of Ireland's Special Merit award.
Maya Kostick is a school student in Dublin, Ireland.
List of games:
Coconut Crack
Sprouts (or Mushrooms)
Jack Frost and the Sunshine Pizza
Crocodile, Crocodile
What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?
Frog in the Pond
Blind Man's Bluff
Marco Polo
Red Rover
Skipping Games - Long Rope
Skipping Games - Short Rope
Tip the Can (Icky 1,2,3)
Snake Game
The Stone Game
Stuck in the Mud
Flush the Toilet
Snatch the Bacon
Duck, Duck, Goose
Cops and Robbers
Seven Up/Heads Down, Thumbs Up
The Floor Is Lava
Beanbag Toss