Home / Keeper of Secrets (Unabridged)
Sixteen-year-old Avery is in trouble, yet again, but this time, he’s in over his head. On the run, Avery is faced with hardships and fear. He must become what he’s always despised to survive. He discovers new reasons to hate, until fate brings him to Graymoor Mansion, and he discovers a disturbing connection to the past.
Through the eyes of a boy murdered more than a century before, Avery discovers that all is not as he believed. Avery is soon forced to face the greatest challenge of all: looking into his own heart.
Sean is head over heels in love with his new boyfriend Nick, but there is trouble in paradise. Could a boy so beautiful really love plain, ordinary Sean? Sean cannot believe so and desperately tries to transform himself into the ideal young hunk, only to learn that it is what’s inside that matters.
Keeper of Secrets is the story of two cousins - one a gay youth, the other an adolescent gay basher. Fate and the pages of a 100-year-old journal bring them together and change their lives forever.