Home / The New Organon (Unabridged)
The New Organon is the second part of Bacon's philosophical work, The Great Instauration on the renewal of the sciences, which was published in 1620. The title refers to Aristotle's work Organon - meaning “trumpeter” - a treatise on logic and syllogism. Bacon’s work offers a new method of investigating nature, named “the Interpretation of Nature”.
In The New Organon, he sets out this system of logic based on induction, which he believes to be superior to the old method of syllogism. Induction begins with the facts of nature and works slowly towards general axioms or propositions, by building up tables of comparison. The use of experiments assists the senses in this process. The next stage is the consideration of privileged instances which assist the process in terms of information or of practice. Today, this is known as the Baconian method.