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Cultivating the Courage to Love By Ram Dass, Joan Halifax & Duncan Trussel

Cultivating the Courage to Love

By Ram Dass, Joan Halifax & Duncan Trussel

  • Release Date: 2019-10-02
  • Genre: Self-Development
  • © 2019 Better Listen
  • $19.99


If you missed the Love Serve Remember retreat last spring with Ram Dass and Friends in Hawaii, this is your opportunity to listen to the almost 8 hours of dharma talks from the wonderful event. BetterListen! is quite proud to offer the complete set of these recordings. The BetterListen! version has been digitally edited and remastered - for your listening pleasure!

This program features Ram Dass, Krishna Das, Roshi Joan Halifax, Raghu Markus , Duncan Trussell and Rameshwar Das

Note: A majority of proceeds from each sale goes to support the Ram Dass The Love Serve Remember Foundation.

Here are some of the heartfelt and evocative subjects covered-

Ram Dass, Krishna Das, Roshi Joan Halifax and Raghu Markus introduce the Courage to Love Retreat. Krishna Das retells an entertaining and moving story about receiving a sacred seed from a Lama.
Roshi Joan Halifax speaks on our ability to smile into the blessings of life while keeping an awareness of the truth of suffering. After a short guided meditation, she expands on the notion of keeping a “grandmother’s heart.”
Ram Dass, Duncan Trussell and Raghu Markus discuss honesty and vulnerability as essential elements for cultivating the courage to Love.
Roshi Joan explores the three jewels of refuge. She discusses the way in which we become who we really are in the presence of unconditional love, and what helps “good karma” to ripen.


Title Writer
Cultivating the Courage to Love Ram Dass, Joan Halifax & Duncan Trussel