Home / The Strong Residency Letter of Intent: Writing to Be Interviewed with a Cover Letter That Earns the Invite (Unabridged)
A Letter of Intent, or LOI, is a writing type that falls under English for Specific Purposes (ESP) which is a subgroup of English as a second language (ESL).
The specific purpose for an LOI is to earn a residency interview.
Your letter should have the current residents and residency director saying, “I have to meet this person”.
Every question should include the prime objective.
Which would bring you closer to an interview? A) A unique targeted heartfelt letter or B) A letter of intent that you use for all residency sites with a few changes
Which would bring you closer to an interview? A) A letter that outlines what you can do for the site or B) one that outlines how the site fits your needs
Which would bring you closer to an interview? A) A letter you got help on from friends and experts or B) A letter you wrote on your own hoping you caught all the mistakes in it
You get the picture. Pick A for accepted.
Every time you want to take a shortcut, use a template half the final year professional students use, or try to complete the letter under time pressure, you should always ask yourself, is this action bringing me closer to or further from an interview?
It’s that simple.
If you want me to be one of the people by your side during residency season and help you with the letter, you can go to residencyhelp.com.