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Box Thirteen By Original Radio Broadcast

Box Thirteen

By Original Radio Broadcast

  • Release Date: 2019-09-23
  • Genre: Fiction
  • © 2019 Radio Spirits
  • $24.99


"Adventure wanted . . . will go anyplace . . . do anything. Write Box 13."

Box Thirteen is your address for radio mystery at its best! Alan Ladd stars in sixteen intriguing episodes as former newspaper reporter turned freelance fiction writer Dan Holiday. His excursions into mystery and crime for the characters in his books lead him to thrill-packed adventures all his own!

At his side is a scatter-brained secretary named Suzy (played by Sylvia Picker), and in his way is the gruff Lieutenant Kling (portrayed by Edmund McDonald) and Inspector Black (Luis van Rooten). In on the plots of insurance swindles, blackmail, murder, and the old double cross, are radio regulars Betty Lou Gerson, Gerald Mohr, Irene Tedrow, Tom Collins, Jo Gilbert, Frank Lovejoy, Lou Krugman, Bill Johnstone, and more.

Episodes Include: The First Letter (Episode # 1); Insurance Swindle Adventure (Episode # 2); Blackmail Is Murder (Episode # 3); Actor's Alibi (Episode # 4); Extra! Extra! (Episode # 5); Shanghaied (Episode # 6); Short Assignment (Episode # 7); Double Mothers (Episode # 8); Book of Poems (Episode # 9); The Great Torino (Episode # 10); Suicide or Murder (Episode # 11); Triple Cross (Episode # 12); Damsel in Distress (Episode # 13); Diamond in the Sky (Episode # 14); Double Right Cross (Episode # 15); Look Pleasant, Please (Episode # 16)


Title Writer
Box Thirteen Original Radio Broadcast