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Matt Lucas And The Winner Is... By Matt Lucas

Matt Lucas And The Winner Is...

By Matt Lucas

  • Release Date: 2010-07-01
  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • $4.99


Matt Lucas hosts the newest and most prestigious awards ceremony of the year - the perfectly-title 'Lucases'. Including awards for the Lamest Excuse of All-Time, the Lucas for Most Pointless Member of the Royal Family and the Lucas for Greatest Song By A Musical Artist Who Is Otherwise Rubbish. The nominations are provided by the guests, but the ultimate decision is down to the whim of the host. Who will walk off with their very own Lucas? Will it be Eddie Murphy or Mrs Linehan; Princess Michael of Kent, Prince Edward or Prince Morris; Angry Anderson, Genesis or Radiohead? Only 'And The Winner Is . . .' has the answers.


Title Writer
Matt Lucas And The Winner Is... Matt Lucas