Home / The Basics of Bible Doctrine, Volume 3 (Unabridged)
Eight great sections to help you understand the Bible! Understanding Israel: The Burdening Stone by Chuck Missler: Chuck opens a lot of eyes when he explained the "rest of the story" that the mainstream news media isn't telling you. One Minute After You Die by Erwin Lutzer: If the dead could talk, we would get an earful! Based on his best-selling book, Erwin presents an excellent scriptural outline of your life after death. The Book of Exodus in 55 Minutes by Gerald Robison: Get an incredible overview of one of the richest books in the Bible by a former "Walk Through the Bible" instructor. Hell's Best Kept Secret by Kirk Cameron: You have to love it when a movie star gets saved! Kirk gives his version of Ray Comfort's classic presentation on the best way to witness. The Book of Jude in 55 Minutes by Mike Gendron: Demons, black holes, Satan, and more. A Study of Hell by John Ankerberg: Hell-hot, dark and forever, John takes a deep and uncomfortable look at a subject most pastors shy away from teaching. The Seven Most Important Spiritual Gifts by Ed Hindson: The Bible says God gives each christian a spiritual gift. Learn what the Bible says are the seven most important gifts and what they mean to you! Why the World Hates Israel by Thomas Ice: Understanding Israel is the key to correctly understanding Bible prophecy. This is an eye-opener for the times in which we live!
Title | Writer | |||
1 | The Basics of Bible Doctrine, Volume 3 ( | Thomas Ice, Chuck Missler, Kirk Cameron, John Ankerberg, Erwin Lutzer, Gerald Robison, Mike Gendron & Ed Hindson |