Home / How to Succeed at a Two-Year College: An Easy-to-Follow Guide
Do you have questions about college? What kind of college to attend, how to pay for it, what to study and how to prepare for a career?
How to Succeed at a Two-Year College answers those questions, and more. If you are a high school student (or the parent of one), a veteran, a returning student, or just curious about what a two-year college can offer, this is the book for you.
Too many college websites are confusing, requiring a lot of hunting to find the answers to simple questions. How to Succeed at a Two-Year College brings together all the information you need in a simple, easy-to-read format. Topics include:
What is a two year college?
Navigating financial aid
How to prepare for college
What kind of degrees are typically offered?
Credit for prior learning
Online courses
How to excel in classes
Academic Success and Career Centers
Neil S. Plakcy is a tenured professor of English at Broward College, one of the country's largest and most renowned two-year colleges. Using examples from his fourteen years as an educator, and from Broward's best policies, he provides the pathway to success for students who may be the first in their family to go to college, or otherwise lack the advising and resources to get answers to their most pressing questions.