Home / In Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Adventures of Solar Pons, Book 1 (Unabridged)
Once again in old London, "the game is afoot."
In these pastiches of the sacred writings, written when he was 19 and 20, August Derleth has recreated the London of Sherlock Holmes. It does not matter that the familiar name has become Solar Pons, or that the familiar Baker Street has become Praed Street - something of the nostalgic charm and fascination, of the remembered quickening of the pulse and the familiar settings of the original London of Sherlock Holmes, has been recaptured in these pages. And what intriguing titles there arc to these 12 pastiches, chosen from among a greater number!
Here are:
The Adventure of the Frightened Baronet - about a spectral image of Siva seen at a country estate beyond London
The Adventure of the Purloined Periapt - which is the purest of pastiches and perhaps the closest of all the tales in this book to the original spirit
The Adventure of the Norcross Riddle - containing some of the neatest deduction in the book
The Adventure of the Man with the Broken Face - a tale of "dark waters"
and eight others....