Home / The Cavalier Poets
Whilst this given name and the poets included can seem at first glance broad and unmanageable the name both historically and artistically is a near perfect fit. Those poets that pledged support to Charles I, a connoisseur and patron of fine arts, were in the main courtiers or closely aligned. Among their number were Robert Herrick, Richard Lovelace, Thomas Carew and Sir John Suckling.
These poets shied away from verse on religion or philosophy but mused instead on love, joy and simpler things very much living for the ‘now’. And their verse achieves this with a beauty and potency that, despite their powerful and privileged position, speaks for us all.
This volume comes to you from Portable Poetry, a specialized imprint from Deadtree Publishing. Our range is large and growing and covers single poets, themes, and many compilations.