Home / Dawn and Autumn: Finding Him: The Greatest Love Series, Book 3 (Unabridged)
Dawn and Autumn are young adults out on their own and making their own decisions, but can they be sure they are the right ones?
Growing up with an addict for a father, their source of strength came from their mother; however, all that has changed now. Their dad is sober with a new family, while they watch their mother spiraling out of control.
Meanwhile, they both are in relationships where the risks are high. Dawn is with a controlling, NBA-bound alpha male. Is she making the right decision to stay with him after she ends up in the hospital for not bending to his will?
Autumn is in a relationship with a loving man of a different race. Can she trust he is sincere, or will she allow fear and prejudice to rule her life and drag her sister along with her?
Get ready to face some emotional times with Dawn and Autumn as they seek balance with their family - where the drama never stops, in their relationships and in their souls.
Just maybe, Finding Him will mend the broken pieces of their past.