The Wicket Gate is the term first coined by Paul Bunyan for the narrow path to Heaven. In Around the Wicket Gate, Spurgeon speaks to those who are near the gate but have not yet walked through.
Thomas Watson, Thomas Manton, Isaac Ambrose, William Bates, George Swinnock, Edmund Calamy, John Owen, Arthur Pink, Jonathan Edwards & Charles Spurgeon
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Brooks, Octavius Winslow, William S. Plumer, Isaac Ambrose, Charles Spurgeon, Thomas Watson, Thomas Boston, William Whitaker & John Gill
Juan Calvino, Charles Spurgeon, Richard Sibbes, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, William Plumer, Matthew Henry, James Durham, Charles Simeon & Felipe Chavaro Polanía
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Arthur W. Pink, Charles Spurgeon, Robert Trail, J.C. Ryle, Thomas Manton, John Bunyan, Robert Traill, John Flavel, Horatius Bonar, Jonathan Edwards, Adolfo Ramirez Gómez & Henry Law