Home / Why Won't They Listen?: The Power of Creation Evangelism
Why is evangelism increasingly more difficult? Why is Christianity less and less appealing to unbelievers? What can the Church do differently to excel in fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission?
Ken Ham, world-renowned Christian apologist and creation scientist, is convinced that compromise with evolutionary worldviews has virtually crippled preaching and teaching efforts, especially in Western societies. The Bible’s foundational teaching of Genesis has been undermined as the unscientific theory of evolution is exalted as the ultimate authority. This has weakened the Church’s defense of the Bible and Its message of Jesus Christ as Savior.
In this truly bold book, Ken Ham presents an ambitious plan to fulfill the Great Commission. Easy to read and filled with real-world application, this book offers insight into:
The outstanding success of pioneer evangelism
The evolution connection
Practical creation evangelism
Penetrating this culture with the gospel
Why Won’t They Listen: The Power of Creation Evangelism is a must read for every Christian evangelist.