Home / The Incident at Bethlehem: Star Or Starship? (Unabridged)
Was the Star of Bethlehem really a star? Was it something explainable, like a supernova, comet, fireball, or the planet Venus, or could it have possibly been a spaceship? Could aliens have somehow been involved in the birth of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ?
In "Incident at Bethlelem," noted thinker Valiant Thor (mentor of Nikola Tesla) shares his thoughts on the matter. In these pages, Thor references not only the Matthew record in the Christian Bible, but also the ancient Hebrew "Midrashim," the ancient "Hasika Detarde," the "Codex Vaticanus," the "Codex Similaritus," and the "Codex Vise."
May Valiant Thor devotees across the globe find comfort, joy, and understanding in the words of this enlightened minister of the galaxy.