Home / Without Restraint: Devil's Playground, Book 2 (Unabridged)
Micah Fontenot can't seem to find what he's looking for. Not everything anyway. He's got a great job at Devil's Playground, he's even got a full time lover in his bed, yet still, something is missing.
Hayden Wellington wants the best of both worlds. He understands Micah on levels even Micah doesn't. Now that he has half of what he needs, he's just biding his time until everything falls into place.
Lindy Weatherford refuses to be the hum-drum friend who doesn't have a story to tell. Unfortunately, that's what she's become. When her friends stand her up at the club, she finds herself smack in the middle of a story she's not sure she can explain.
What happens when passions collide? Can the three of them walk away unscathed after they go after everything they want without restraint?