Home / Understanding Trump: How to Survive the Next 4 Years (Unabridged)
The unthinkable has happened. Donald Trump, billionaire and reality television star, has managed to get elected as the president of the United States of America. Does this great travesty have you feeling down? What will you do now that Trump runs the country? What does it all mean?
Yes, Trump is now in office, and it doesn’t feel like there is much you can do about it. But, have no fear. Let this audiobook be your guide to surviving the next four years (or God forbid, the next eight). Learn what you can do to stay sane and fight the power while Trump is in office. From running away to building a safe house, this audiobook will show you what you can do to ensure a smooth four years for yourself. When it is all over, you can choose what you will do next. For now, let’s get you ready for the years to come.