Home / Seafarers' Yarns: Great Stories of the Sea (Unabridged)

Seafarers' Yarns: Great Stories of the Sea (Unabridged) By Morley Roberts, H.G. Wells, Jack London, A. E. Dingle, J. S. Fletcher, J.D. Beresford & John Buchan

Seafarers' Yarns: Great Stories of the Sea (Unabridged)

By Morley Roberts, H.G. Wells, Jack London, A. E. Dingle, J. S. Fletcher, J.D. Beresford & John Buchan

  • Release Date: 2024-11-01
  • Genre: Fiction
  • © 2024 Red Door Audiobooks
  • $29.99


A brilliant collection of some of the finest old sea stories ever written.
'The Overcrowded Iceberg' by Morley Roberts 'The Substitute' by W. W. Jacobs 'Reparation' by J. D. Beresford 'The Paradise Coal-Boat' by Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne 'The Registered Packet' by J. S. Fletcher 'Treasure Trove' by Neil Munro 'The Vengeance of La Maraye' by J. S. Fletcher 'The Sea-Raiders' by H. G. Wells 'No Ships Pass' by Eleanor Smith 'Alone on a Wide Wide Sea' by J. S. Fletcher 'Aepyornis Island' by H. G. Wells 'Dobbs Parrot' by Arthur Morrison 'The Permanent Tenant' by J. S. Fletcher 'Neap-Tide Madness' by E. Phillips Oppenheim 'In Yeddo Bay' by Jack London 'The Rival Beauties' by W. W. Jacobs 'The Voyage of the James Caird' by Ernest Shackleton 'The Blue Pearl' by John G. Brandon 'The White Ship' by H. P. Lovecraft 'Fortunes Adrift' by Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne
Plus many more gripping sea stories.


Title Writer
Seafarers' Yarns: Great Stories of the S Morley Roberts, H.G. Wells, Jack London, A. E. Dingle, J. S. Fletcher, J.D. Beresford & John Buchan