Home / English: Cognates: Fast Track Learning for Spanish Speakers: Learn What You Already Know Identifying the 100 Most Frequent Similar Words in Both English and Spanish with 400 Phrase Examples. (Unabridged)

English: Cognates: Fast Track Learning for Spanish Speakers: Learn What You Already Know Identifying the 100 Most Frequent Similar Words in Both English and Spanish with 400 Phrase Examples. (Unabridged) By Sarah Retter

English: Cognates: Fast Track Learning for Spanish Speakers: Learn What You Already Know Identifying the 100 Most Frequent Similar Words in Both English and Spanish with 400 Phrase Examples. (Unabridged)

By Sarah Retter

  • Release Date: 2017-10-10
  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • © 2017 Unitexto LLC
  • $3.99


When you're learning a new language, a cognate is an easy word to remember because it looks and means the same thing as a word you already know. For example, "gratitude" in English means the same as "gratitud" in Spanish.

A word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language. In the case both coming from the Latin word "gratitude", meaning "thankfulness."

Focus your English learning on the most frequently used cognates. Learn what you already know.

One of the usual mistakes when learning a foreign language is that the student has no priorities. All the unknown words get the same attention.

It makes a lot of sense to identify and focus your learning on the words you are already familiar with. In this book, you'll find the list of the most used cognate words.

Using an algorithm that provides the ranking, this book will provide you with the 100 most frequent cognate words you have to learn first to get around when traveling or interacting with English-speaking people.

The example phrases are presented in a very simple fashion. No complications. Straight and simple.

So, don't waste your time and energy! Focus your effort on the most important cognates you have to learn to master your English!

Get it now and start focusing your energy today!

Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish and English.


Title Writer
English: Cognates: Fast Track Learning f Sarah Retter