Home / Paranormal Encounters: Poltergeists, Demons and Possessions
Once thought to exist only as folklore, urban myth, or via non-scientific bodies of knowledge, now we have advanced investigative techniques and devices that prove the existence of spirits, ghosts, entities, and more in the dimensions beyond. This audiobook is not for those with phasmophobia (fear of ghosts), as this collection abounds with horrifying and terrifying encounters.
Visit a town with coffins sticking out from under the homes as dozens of mysterious coffins are being unearthed revealing very well preserved, but strangely dressed, cadavers. Below the surface of another town lie the graves of thousands of Irish cholera victims who had come over in the death ships after the Irish famine. The gravestones are starting to emerge through the grass as are the ghosts who are haunting the park and its environs.
Various locations on the surface of the Earth have acquired a legendary reputation for being entrances to hell. They feature such phenomena as apparitions of witches, demons, sounds of crying babies, and phantom hitchhikers. Other accounts include homes near cemeteries that have proven to be gateways to the beyond with events happening nightly. Explore these tales of death, murder, haunting, and more.