Home / Jesper Jinx's Best Friend (Unabridged)
Jesper Jinx is 11, and probably the unluckiest person in all of Puffington Hill. Everything he touches seems to end up in sweet disaster. Hence his nickname "Jinx". Every great hero needs a sidekick who's ready to laugh at his silly antics. And Oliver has been just that for Jesper on countless pranks since the day they were born. But now Jesper's sister Melinda has set her sights on Oliver and even worse, he doesn't seem to mind. Add to this horrible dilemma the fact that there is a heatwave in Puffington Hill. The air is now so hot that birds are falling from the trees and grandpas and grandmas are forced to wear bikinis. It all adds up to sweet disaster for Jesper. How far is he willing to go to save his friendship with Oliver?