Home / What You Think You Become: Elevate Your Thoughts to Attract Better Outcomes and More Happiness with Hypnosis, Meditation and Affirmations (Unabridged)
It has become an open secret that your thoughts influence and shape your life, which means you have the power to enhance your own circumstances, mood, and destiny. This collection is designed to help you naturally increase your optimism, improve your mood, and attract better outcomes for your life. Raise your vibration Be more positive Enhance your well-being Attract positive circumstances and good fortune The audiobook includes: Hypnosis for becoming more positive: Naturally shift your attention to more positive thoughts in order to elevate and enhance your life. Positive affirmations: These affirmations are intended to rewire your thought process to include empowering, uplifting thoughts that can change the way you view yourself and the world. By listening to positive affirmations, you are instilling an optimistic view into your subconscious that will eventually impact your conscious thinking. You can change your life for the better by starting with yourself first. You can have an outlook on life that serves you and brings you joy through the power of hypnosis and affirmations.