Home / The Peregrine Omnibus, Volume One (Unabridged)
Adventure has a new name!
Award-winning genre fiction author Barry Reese, known for creating such fantastic characters as Lazarus Gray and Gravedigger, revitalizes one of his greatest creations for fans old and new! Max Davies lives on as The Peregrine!
An adventurer. A man of mystery. A hero. Max Davies, newly moved to Atlanta, Georgia, finds himself unable to avoid danger, intrigue, and death. Donning the mask of The Peregrine, Davies seeks to bring justice to a world dying for it and peace to his own troubled spirit. And the only price he may have to pay is his soul.
The Peregrine Omnibus, Volume One brings the first three book-length volumes of this classic new pulp hero's adventures together into one massive two-fisted collection. Fly again for the first time with Barry Reese's The Peregrine!