Home / The Antichrist (Unabridged)
Written over 100 years ago, The Antichrist by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is a thought-provoking piece of literature in which Nietzsche urges the listener to be honest and critical in regards to previously accepted thoughts of modern Christianity. He suggests that the current basis for what is right and wrong, happiness and sadness, and other essential concepts is completely backward. Instead, every end result can be measured based on what Nietzsche calls the "will to power".
Obtaining more power is what causes happiness, and power is behind what is foundationally right. Weakness is the lack of power and causes sadness, and is therefore wrong. The author urges society to turn away from the current hierarchy and return to instinct, that internal draw toward gaining power. Pity is considered a weakness and can lead to depression. Instead, the book argues, an individual should focus on only what makes the individual stronger.
Although Nietzsche takes a very antireligious viewpoint, the title The Antichrist is slightly misleading, and the listener should not think of the book as the opposite of Christ. While the work does question religion, the author does not mention devil worship. The book was originally written in German and translated to English.