Home / Bankruptcy: The Ultimate Guide on How to File, Beat, and Recover from Personal Bankruptcy (Unabridged)
Is this your first time filing bankruptcy? Are you scared and confused on how to file bankruptcy? Well, look no further. This is the ultimate guide on how to file, beat, and recover from personal bankruptcy. Most people know very little about bankruptcy and what to do when it hits them. This books contains everything you need to know about bankruptcy and how to recover from it as quickly as possible.
Going through bankruptcy can be a very painful and stressful experience, but it does not always have to be this way. This book breaks down the process needed to succeed. It is not a scary process once you already know what to do. Get out of this financial rut today, and make a positive change in your life.
Here's a preview of what you'll learn:
Bankruptcy defined
Two kinds of bankruptcy
How to file bankruptcy
Advantages and disadvantages of filing
How to recover from bankruptcy
How to create a plan
And much more!