Home / Four-Day Planet
Fenris is a planet on which one day lasts two thousand hours, one thousand hours of which is day and one thousand hours is night. This is due to the very slow rotation rate of the planet. The year on Fenris lasts eight thousand hours, which means that one year is four days.
During the day, the heat is unbearable, which forced people to live underground, except during the sunrise and sunset. During the night, the cold is unbearable.
The planet is undeveloped because of its climate, and the only export is the tallow wax, which is extracted from the dangerous sea monsters. This tallow is collected by the monster hunters, who risk their lives in order to make a living. Due to its special properties is sold across the universe.
Being corrupted and wicked, the politicians of Fenris decide to lower the price per unit of the tallow wax. When the monster hunters hear about this decision and realize that they will risk their lives for nothing, they rise against the government.
On this story works a young newspaper man, his father and other people, who try to uncover the corruption of the government and expose the real price of the tallow wax.