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  • Edge of Orchard

    By NoBrainerToMe
    Decent book. Sadie was unearving and Molly was the antithesis. Book would be better names as ‘How bout dem Apples’
  • Apples to appples

    By chuckleedee
    Loved the analogies between the apple trees and the giant Sequoias and Redwoods of California. The characters were deeply flawed and interesting to follow on their journies.
  • This one of her books grew on me slowly

    By Mike from GA
    I had trouble getting into this book. The main characters at the begging are not meant to be too likable, and I did not connect with the next character at first. I was just getting into it as it was ending. I have read several of her books, and like the others better. She is a very good author.
  • At the Edge of the Orchard

    By xyztodd
    This held my interest so much that I didn’t even realize it was ending! But then it was finished - and I was so sad! I’m looking forward to a sequel!? It would be so easy to carry the story into England with the trees. Finish with the story of Robert (whom I loved!) and Molly and the babies! Did the trees, in fact, make the journey? How was the trip for Robert and Molly? Rough? Did the babies make it??? So many questions!! Please!! :-/ And Thank You! :-)
  • Cut Open Heaven

    By 227 high power
    Very intriguing book with angelic voices.....