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Puppies - Dog Books for Kids
Table of Contents
10 Important Facts about Puppies
Best Ways to Care for Puppies
How A Puppy Grows, Develops and Behaves
How to Choose a Breed
So Many Different Types of Puppies to Choose From
How To Train Puppies Quickly And Easily
How Save Money on Dog Vaccinations
Introduction to Dog Breeds
Top 10 - List:
Labrador retriever
German shepherd
Golden Retriever
Yorkshire terrier
10 Important Facts about Puppies
More than likely, if you have a puppy, you might be wondering how to properly integrate this new animal into your life. Puppies require quite a bit of attention and love, as well as proper training when you are just starting out. Although they can be the most adorable creatures on the planet, they can also cause a considerable amount of problems. Depending upon the type of breed that you're working with, they may or may not be very easy to train. Regardless of how much work it will take, if you truly love animals, and want your puppy to grow up to be a healthy loyal friend and protector, there are a few tips and strategies you ought to know. In this article, we will present 10 facts about puppies that you ought to know.
1 - Puppies are born after a 63 day gestation cycle, which means the mom is only pregnant for 63 days.
2 - Puppies are born almost helpless, but they have several natural instincts the moment they are born.
3 - Puppies instinctually are able to nurse right after birth, and will spend a large portion of their time feeding and sleeping.
4 - The first couple weeks, puppies will be unable to open up their eyes.
5 - In the first few months of their life, they will grow very rapidly developing both physically and socially.
6 - Despite an independent nature, they learn quite a bit from their littermates soon after they are born.
7 - Puppies require quite a bit of socialization, meaning you will have to spend a great deal of time with them in order to familiarize them with their surroundings.
8 - Every puppy needs to be taken to the veterinarian within two months of their birth, not only for a check-up, but to get the initial shots that they will need.
9 - Puppies need to be dewormed at an early age, and they should also be checked for potentially deadly conditions such as Parvo.
10 - At some point, puppies will have to be potty trained, something that should start about two months after they are born.
Although there are many more facts about puppies that you can learn, the best thing you can do is learn from experience, and also apply all of the techniques that you learn from books, the Internet, and people that have successfully trained puppies before. Having a puppy is a wonderful experience, but it takes hard work and dedication to allow them to become healthy adult dogs that you will love for many years to come.