Home / Mms Protocol List from A to Z
This book contains descriptive information and protocols on how to prepare MMS dosages based on specific diseases.
Net sales proceeds shall be donated to the Genesis II church organization founded by Jim Humble. We thank you for your generosity and support.
In 2010, Jim established the "Genesis II Church of Health and Healing", a non-religious Church with the goal being, "A world without disease". The Genesis II Church is working to protect people's rights to take control of their own Health by taking personal responsibility for it and not allowing others to do it for them. Genesis II members have the God-given unalienable right to choose products for their health, including but not limited to; foods, plants, vitamins, minerals, herbs and all remedies in any quantities they consider useful or necessary for his or her personal health or the health of his or her family. The only prerequisites for membership being: Do good deeds, heal the sick, always to what is right, enlightening those who sleep and working for the freedom of all mankind. As of 7-24-2011, the Genesis II Church has trained 231 Health ministers in 57 countries to help reach the goal, "A world without disease".